Wednesday, June 10, 2009

"The Story of Qiu Ju"

The Story of Qiu Ju is another film directed by Zhang Yimou that was released internationally with great success. The director of Raise the Red Lantern, Shanghai Triad and Ju Dou delivers again with this “dramedy” about injustice and the relationship amongst neighbors.

Released in 1992, The Story of Qiu Ju received the Golden Lion award at the Venice Film Festival; the film also received many other awards when released.

The film stars Gong Li, as she receives the title role in many of Yimou’s films. Qiu Ju played by Gong Li, is a poor country girl that is about seven months pregnant. She lives with her husband Qinglai and his sister and father. They struggle to get by. One day Qinglai was having a conversation with the head of the village (Wang Shantang) when something he said was taken wrong. Wang beats him repeatedly in the groin causing severe damage, which causes him to miss work. Qiu Ju is extremely devastated by this and decides to take action against Wang. She goes to the local police office and complains. The authorities order Zang to pay 200 yuan to Qinglai. Qinglai refuses to apologize and throws the yuan at Qinqlai. Qiu is unhappy with the actions of Zang and decides to file another complaint. Zang is then ordered to pay 250 yuan to Qinglai, he does but with the same disrespect as before.

Its now months later and Qiu Ju is going into labor. Qinglai runs to Zang’s house and begs for his assistance in Qiu Ju’s pregnancy. Zang gathers up a crew to get Qi Ju to a hospital safely where she delivers a healthy baby boy.

Later on, Qiu Ju invites Zang to a baby showers. At the baby shower the police come and arrest Zang, saying that the injury to Quinlai was more severe than first thought. Qiu Ju immediately tries to get the police officers attention to let them know that Zang saved her life. It doesn’t seem as if she got the officers attention as the movie freeze frames on Qiu Ju’s face. 

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